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IEA Webinars

The 2% CEO Habits of Profitability

hosted by Kirk W. McLaren from Washington Executives Association

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The 2% CEOs are an elite group. These are the ones who are driven to achieve something impactful and/or gain the financial freedom to do what they want when they want.

Join Kirk, to learn the 2% CEO Habits of Profitability™. The Habits were forged by rolling up our sleeves with 100’s of CEOs globally who are leading competitive growth companies and teaching using the numbers to graduate students at Georgetown University.

The Habits will give you visibility across your organization and into the market place to fly faster with clarity and confidence to achieve the financial impacts that you are looking for.

Who should attend?

CEOs, Presidents, Owners, Founders

Kirk is a member of the Washington Executives Association and the CEO of Foresight CFO, Growth CFO Certification instructor, and the Georgetown University graduate studies lecturer. His love for small businesses led to the development of the Impact Financial Management™ method to develop CFO’s into Growth CFO’s and guide their performance. Growth CFO’s are not traditional compliance/accounting officers in any sense of the word. Instead, they work side by side with the CEO to intentionally grow their business with an eye toward the ultimate exit. IFM works in both growth and declining economic environments.

Webinar Date:  Tuesday August 18, 2020

One Hour:  9am Hawaii Time, Noon Pacific, 1pm Mountain, 2pm Central, 3pm Eastern

Webinar Registration Link: