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David Blotnick “Take on Conference”

Benefits of the IEA (Dominic)

Benefits of IEA (Wes on David)

Benefits of IEA (David on Wes)


Sandy Connery

My business partner in Seattle just had an hour long conversation with Colin from Moss Adams. We received some very poor accounting advice and were in a bit of a bind and he dropped everything to talk to her.

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Tom Broetje

When I attended the IEA conference in Las Vegas, I met the new members from the Executives Association of Greater Phoenix. So instead of looking for a company online, I went to their website.

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Harrison Hine

It was interesting for me to meet with other chapters and compare the differences, the successes and the problems that each face.

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Dr. Bob Buzzetti

I have a wonderful story about my hero. Jim Hamway of Khun's Flooring who is a member of the Fort Lauderdale Executive Association probably saved my life.

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