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Top 5 Reasons To Attend The IEA Leadership Conference

  1. Keynote Speakers: Learn new strategies that can benefit your company. World-renowned thought and business leaders share their experiences and lessons learned. Topics: It is Not Who You Know: Who Wants to Know You? The Nth Power of Networking. How Hardship, Hustle, and Heart Built America’s #1 Wine Brand.
  2. Breakout Sessions: Choose from a variety of topics to sharpen your skills and knowledge: Public Speaking, Angel Investing, Make Meetings Matter, Advanced Networking for Trusted Advisors, How to Protect Yourself and Your Company, Using Technology to Grow Your Business.
  3. Speed Networking: Meet face to face with IEA members from around the United States and Canada. Get connected, break down borders, embrace the digital world and build your global database.
  4. Chapter Representation: Share your ideas and give your Chapter a voice at the regional meeting held during the conference. Learn what other executive associations are doing to increase quality leads, to mentor, to retain and to grow membership.
  5. Business Deduction: Benefit from the "Continuing Business Education" tax write-off while you learn and have fun in one of the most beautiful cities in the world.