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How to Buy or Sell a Business without Losing Your Shirt hosted by John Martinka - November 2019

Tuesday November 19th, 2019
One Hour

Zoom Webinar
9am Hawaii Time, Noon Pacific, 1pm Mountain, 2pm Central, 3pm Eastern

Join us in November for the third webinar in our fall series, How to Buy or Sell a Business without Losing Your Shirt. Hosted by John Martinka. As an IEA member you can attend for free.

John Martinka is a member of the Seattle Executives Association and President and Founder of Martinka Consulting and co-founder of “Partner” On-Call Network. John is known as The Escape Artist® because of the work he does in three areas:

  1. Helping executives escape the corporate world by buying the right business the right way
  2. Creating large exits for small businesses so the owner can exit their business with style, grace and more money
  3. Accelerating businesses so they escape their plateau, often via growth by acquisition; dramatically increasing the value of the company

John is the author of three books, If They Can Sell Pet Rocks Why Can't You Sell Your Business (For What You Want)?, Buying a Business That Makes You Rich, and Company Growth by Acquisition Makes Dollars & Sense. A recognized public speaker, John has developed a reputation for expertise in business acquisition and “problem solving”. He has the knowledge and real-life experience which gains client confidence and delivers measurable results. John gets results for his clients whether it’s buying, selling or dramatically increasing the value of a business. His experience includes having analyzed hundreds of acquisition candidates for scores of clients and helped over 100 clients buy or sell a business.

Buying or selling a business is often the largest financial transaction anybody experiences. It can be fraught with danger, but only if you jump in headfirst without proper knowledge and guidance.

Buying or selling a business involves a leap of faith, and to make sure your leap is off a chair not the roof you’ll want to know what this webinar covers. So, whether you’re a buyer, seller, or future seller you will leave the session educated on the following topics, which are the basics of what to do now, and over time.

  • Why buyers aren’t interested in your business
  • The 3 keys to a successful deal
  • 10 steps to increasing value (what buyers like to see)
  • Due diligence? Really? I already told you it’s a great business
  • You can’t buy a business until you find (a good) one.
  • 19 reasons to grow by acquisition
  • First date to marriage - why relationships are #1 in buy-sell deals
  • $$$ where to I find the money?
  • 7 myths of business valuation