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Automated Parking Corp (APC)

Automated Parking Systems
6555 NW 9th Avenue, Suite 106
Fort Lauderdale , FL
United States 33309
Marcos Radonic
Automated Parking Systems use a significantly smaller footprint than conventional parking solutions such as Conventional Concrete Ramp Garages. Depending on configuration, less than 50% of land is required to accommodate the same number of vehicles, thus significantly reducing the cost of real estate acquisition or maximizing usage and profitability of the available real estate. When space is at a premium, Automated Parking is the most cost-effective (and in some cases the only) solution to provide vehicle storage services in high density areas with high demand and limited offer and/or land availability. APC is 100% dedicated to the Automated Parking System business providing custom automated and mechanical parking solutions. APC provides turn-key solutions from design, manufacture, installation, start-up and maintenance service.