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Your Invitation of Join an IEA Committee

Explore your interests, enhance your network and contribute to the success and visibility of your company and local executives association by joining an IEA committee. Your innovative ideas and knowledge are important assets.

The following committees are in need of more members. Committees meet by phone and e-mail.

IEA Marketing Committee: This marketing committee is tasked with developing and implementing a marketing plan for IEA.

IEA Membership Development Committee: The membership development committee communicates with non-IEA member associations in an effort to identify and recruit associations that would be a win-win.

IEA Networking Committee: This committee is being newly formed and will be working on ways to foster networking opportunities between IEA association members.

Future Conference Committee:  This committee finds hosts of future conferences and supports them in their efforts.

Non Dues Revenue:  This conference researches ways of raising funds & sponsosrship for IEA.

If any of these opportunities are of interest to you please reach out to me and I will connect you with the committee chair for more information.

Lisa Woodstock
President, IEA Board of Directors
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
253-566-1675 ext. 21

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